วันศุกร์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

[ASSIGNMENT 2] Whole body interaction(Embodied Interaction)

Whole body interaction(Embodied Interaction)

     Whole Body Interaction is “The integrated capture and processing of human signals from physical, physiological, cognitive and emotional sources to generate feedback to those sources for interaction in a digital environment” (England 2009).

     Nowadays, we have some technology that can do it. One of theme call "Leap motion".

     Leap motion is a computer hardware sensor device that support hand and fingers motions as input.

     The leap motion controller use USB to connect between Leap motion and cmputer. In design of its, It has two IR cameras and three infrared LEDs. The LEDs generate a 3D pattern of dots of IR light.and the cameras generate almost 300 frames per second of reflected data, which is then sent through a USB cable to the host computer, where it is analyzed by the Leap Motion controller software using "complex math" in a way that has not been disclosed by the company, in some way synthesizing 3D position data by comparing the 2D frames generated by the two cameras.

     It has own store that call "Airspace". In this store you can find many game or application that support to use hands and fingers to controll without using mouse.

Whole Body Introduction (Embodied Interaction)
     The integration between human and computer (or technology) that will generate feedback to interact each other.
Challenge for whole body interaction: three main areas of challenges
     Design for whole body interaction: Developer should be design the interaction design with the individual element.
  • Example: Multi-user air guitar by using camera-vision and motion sensoring. User stood
  • in front of a camera, pressure pad on floor, strings on display. User move hand
  • then optical flow measure speed of hand and pressure pad for effect.
    Engineering of interaction: Recent developments in interaction technologies.
  • - Wiimote from Nintendo - Microsoft Kinect - Toolkit: OpenCV
     Research Philosophy:
  • Human computer Interaction (HCI) begins with topic such as mobile HCI,
  • Ubiquitous computing, location awareness, tangible computing, physical interaction, embodied interaction and virtual /augmented/mixed realities. 
Abstract Domain 
Conceptual Metaphor and Embodied experience.     A concept metaphor is the interaction between a target and source domain that involves. Interaction of schemas and concepts.

A Complex Abstract Domain Tonal Harmony     This concern in multiple simultaneous pitch source. Example two or more singer or instrumental playing independent but co- ordinate melodic lines.
     The sensory motor contingency theory will more explain how this relate to whole body interaction and conceptual metaphor.

Sensory motor contingency theory     Assuming its applicability to the present case study, like if we wish learns to develop their skill in engaging then their motor actions must have the capacity to activity manipulate harmonic sequence to adequately fine level of detail.

Lesson from Delcroze Euhythmics     Applies to musical rhythm rather than harmony, but shares key issue with tonal harmony

Concept Metaphors and Blends in Harmony Space     Harmony space is an interactive digital music system designed to give beginners and expert to performance and analysis to composition 

Whole Body Large Display Interfaces for user and designers 
User must have
     -  Mouse and keyboard
     -  WIMP (Windows, ICONS, menus, pointers)

Large surface and large display: 
     such as table, White boards and tack-boards.

Body center interaction     The relation between human bodies and virtual interaction technique that help designers or users easy to reach of the handinstead mouse or laser pointer.

The basic theoretical underpinning of HCI
     -  Fittss law: model of human movement primarily use in HCI, predicts the time required to rapidly
     -  Pratt: existing models of motor control need to study or possibly replaced.

Social conventions: 
     System could tell the different users transition between close collaboration and independent work.

Example Interaction techniques
     -  Body based tools.
     -  Sharing physical actions.

Interaction Space: distance of shadow with sensor.
     3 interaction space - Personal space: occupied by body.
     - Peripersonal space: easy reach by hand.
     - Extrapersonal space: whatever beyond peripersonal space.

A Body Centric Application case study
     two remote Wii each hand has hand trackers click event window 7.

Capacitive sensor for whole body interaction: to detect object with touching 
3 mode: Load, Shunt, Transmit
Benefit: Cheap, Small, Robust, Flexible, Embedded into environment

  • 1907: German physician “Max Cremerobserver the frogs heartbeat.
  • 1909: Leonid Termen: control pitch and volume, tracking body movement.

  • Present: Rekimoto detect hand pose, Taylor and Bove how the ball being held.

Valtonen and team: capture walking of couple around room
  • Sender: under tile 
  • Receiver: suspend from ceiling use copper foil
Game controller: action while playing game (move ball, hit ball and walk ball) 

      In my opinion, whole body interaction is the topic that very challenge to learn and do. There can be more new technology from this. The technology from this topic can be help much more not only in art or museum but also for medical.


